Monday, April 20, 2009
and I'm back!!!
it's so weird to be back after such an amazing break...
until next time!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Duomo Tours
until next time!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Last day in Jerusalem
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Shushan Purim
until next time!
until next time!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ta'anit Esther
until next time!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Migdal Oz
Woke up a few times but only got out of bed at 11:30... which was amazing. Hadar had left for work at 9am so I hung out downstairs with her sister for a little bit before heading to the makolet where I bought minutes for my Israel phone. It was so weird being back in Efrat and seeing all the places that I used to visit everyday. I then walked to Migdal Oz and took a tremp up the hill. It was so sad on my walk I passed one of the gates and one of the chayalim asked me if there was a makolet nearby and I told him there was one in Efrat and he got excited and asked how far away so i said like a 10 minute walk. He then looked really really sad so I told him he should ask any girls he sees walking to Efrat if they could buy him something. Then once I got to Migdal Oz I called my friends and they gave me the code to get into the campus. My friends that were still learning there weren't in that day because they were working but there were still a few people that I recognized. I davened in Miri's makom and then headed down for lunch. I saw a bunch of people I knew at lunch including Talya Harczstark and Nichama Twersky. It was so weird being back in Migdal Oz and seeing all the little changes since I had been there. I then started walking to Efrat and caught a tremp to Kenyon Malka. I wasn't meeting Miri for a while so I walked around the mall for a bit but didn't really find anything I liked. I then waited for a bus to take me to merkaz hair. While I was waiting for a bus, a guy got out of his car and started yelling at the bus driver. Apparently the bus driver had nearly run him over and the other driver was going crazy. He even started to get really violent and break things in his arms reach. But the bus driver stayed calm and eventually the other driver got back in his car and drove off. There was no real damage done everything was able to snap back into place but it was still really scary. I decided not to get on that bus and just waited for a diff one. I made it to Cup of Joe and waited a few minutes for Miri to show up. It was nice catching up with her and I was proud of myself that I was able to speak with her in hebrew. After Miri left I tried to get in touch with Kayla Zecher but she wasn't answering her phone so I decided to just head to the shuk and pick up mishloach manot. I ran into Sarah Zweig and we walked around the shuk together. I then walked to the tachana ha'merkazi and bought myself burgers bar for pre fast dinner. Its so weird how much the tachana ha'merkazi has changed since my year in Israel. The one change that I can't stand is how the bathrooms are no longer free. There used to be a bathroom in the foodcourt and one on the sublevel that were free but now you have to pay for all of them. It's only 1 shekel but it still just bothers me because I can't go a billion times before I have to take a long bus ride. I ran into someone I knew on the busride home and there were no seats together by the time we got on the bus but a guy was really nice and gave up his seat and sat next to a charedi guy so we could sit next to each other. I then got back to Reva's apartment and all of her roommates including Shoshana Cohen were there so we hung out for a while before heading to bed. Also, Atara Berkowitz had made really good vegetable soup that we all had.
until next time!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Shabbat at Bar Ilan
Sarena, Reva and I took a few preshabbos pictures before heading to shul. It was so nice going to shul on Friday night and being able to participate in the davening and sing along. I also loved seeing all the guys with kippahs. I couldn't stop telling Reva how happy I was to be in Israel and how nice it was to see so many Jews and so much kosher food. She pointed out that it was as if I was coming from Poland to Israel and in a way she's right. I hate how Florence doesn't really have any Jewish life and I didn't realize just how much I missed it until I got to Israel and was surrounded by Jews. I ran into a few people I knew at shul including a girl from Ramaz and Raquella Seigel. Dinner was really cute. A bunch of us went to the dorms and ate in the kitchen. The food was delicious. Then we went back to Reva's apartment and played bananagrams before heading to bed.
In the morning we went to shul and heard parshat Zachor. It was so interesting hearing different guys read it in the different nusachs. We then went back to Reva's for lunch and one of her downstairs neighbors also joined us. We once again played bananagrams and we also played Kent. Reva and I of course were on the same team and we were awesome! go cousins!!! Meital also stopped by for a little bit but then had to leave to study for her orgo exam.
On Motzash Reva and I went to a L'Chaim for Sarit Silk and Meir Silverman in Alon Shvut (Sarena took the bus with us to Jerusalem). Right as we got off the bus at Tzomet HaGush I got a phone call from Yedidyah Silverman asking me where I was. I told him I just got to Tzomet HaGush and he asked if I wanted him to pick me up so I said sure that would be great. Once at the sheva brachot I saw people I hadn't seen in a while. It was really great catching up with people. Then after the sheva brachot Yedidyah once again offered to drive me, this time to Hadar's in Efrat. Yedidyah is ridiculously nice. He left his bro's L'chaim to pick me up and then drop me off. It was so exciting seeing Hadar again. I really missed her. It's always nice going to her house because she's such an amazing hostess and her family is always so friendly. It was also nice because we spent like 3 hours talking... in Hebrew! I didn't know I was capable of it but it was so nice being able to talk in hebrew for so long and not really stumble with the language.
until next time!
Friday, March 6, 2009
off to Israel!

I then hung out in the airport for an hour and a half before taking the shuttle to the plane. The plane ride wasn't so bad and I fell asleep for some of it. I had a connecting flight in Vienna so I had an hour and half before boarding the next plane. I would have loved to have a longer layover and travel Vienna but whatever... I got internet access in the airport and downloaded a tv show to watch on the plane there. The plane took off 1/2 hr late so I was a little scared about shabbos but it ended up working out fine and we landed on time. I saw next to a guy who was probably over 6"6'. He barely fit in the seat and he couldn't sit straight but had to sit sideways so his knees would fit. I have no idea how he was able to sit like that for 3 hours. But he was really nice and we spoke for most of the flight. I then landed at the airport and took a cab to Bar Ilan. When I stepped out of the airport the weather was beautiful. I was wearing short sleeves and was still really hot. It was so exciting to be in Israel again. I even had so much fun talking to my cab driver. We got to talking and he asked me if I was dati, and I said yes. But then he looked me up and down in the rearview mirror and gave me a weird look because I was wearing sweatpants and short sleeves and then he said ehhh... to each their own (or whatever the equivalent is in hebrew). He was nice. I then arrived at Reva's and showered and got ready for shabbat. I still can't believe I'm in Israel...
until next time!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Marketing Exam
until next time!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Finally Finished
Got back to the apt and made some steamed veges and pasta for dinner before studying for my marketing exam on Wednesday...
fun fun!
until next time!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Okay now back to studying...
until next time!
until next time!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Shabbos morning I woke up at 8:40 for some reason and couldn't fall back asleep. So I just lay in bed until the cleaning people came at 9:15. I asked them to come back in 5 minutes but they came back 2 hours later. But it was nice because I had time to get dressed and daven. I don't really like going to shul anymore because I don't like their style of davening and would rather have a meaningful davening in my room using my Ashkenazi siddur. I then read one of my textbooks for a bit before heading over to Chabad. Lunch was really nice and we met another girl from Syracuse who is studying in Florence. The majority of the Syracuse students live in homestays. As a result her Italian was so much better than ours. It also turns out that I met her on the train on the way to Paris. She remembered me telling Zandi about the housing situation. What a small world. There were also visiting chabad guys studying in Venice to become Chabad Rabbis. Alana was going to ask one of them to marry her - she would love the life of a chabad wife (constantly meeting new people every week), but at the last second chickened out. After lunch Valerie took me, Mara, Laura and Alana for a little walk of the area and showed us where co-op was. It's a huge supermarket which we will hopefully go to from now on. It's a little bit out of the way but they have everything and it's so much cheaper than Standa or Mercato Centrale. We then walked to the Duomo with Valerie. We weren't sure if she wanted us to invite her back to our place or not but we all wanted to take a nap anyways so we didn't. I passed out and woke up a little before shabbos was over. I was going to go upstairs for seudat shlishit but they had already closed the sliding doors so i was trapped. But a few minutes later I heard someone in the hallway and someone was opening the doors for us again. So I went upstairs and Mara, Ilana, Leora and I played bananagrams and had seudat shlishit. I then davened maariv and said havdalah for everyone.
After shabbos I did some work before heading to Ricasoli with Laura and Mara. Ricasoli has such a cute apartment and they always do really cute things together. Tonight they had a nice dinner for everyone and invited a bunch of people over. It was a lot of fun. The only annoying thing was that none of the food or wine was kosher so I couldn't have anything. It's so frustrating not being able to do so many things with other people. Because of shabbos I can only travel with people who are shomer shabbos and same thing with kosher. It's so hard to hang out with people because I cannot meet them for dinner at a restaurant or even eat by them. I either have to make them food or bring my own dishes. But at the same time I do love keeping kosher and having shabbos. It can just be frustrating at times. It's especially hard in Florence where keeping kosher is much harder than it is in NY.
Until next time!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Florentine Villas
until next time!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Buddhist Institution
I really enjoyed having a real meal again and had a lot of fun hanging out with Alana. I really miss having her as my roommate.
Laura and Nicole then stopped by for a bit. Nicole has been promising to visit me for the past 3 weeks and finally got around to it.
until next time!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Planning a villa war...
After class the day got a bit more cheery and I went upstairs to the library to do research on one of my two research midterm papers. I then went to Italian class and we reviewed for our super quiz tomorrow. I then met up with Ellie and scanned our maps but the printer wasn't working and the maps weren't such good quality. So instead I went back to the library and did more research. I then walked home and went to the little office space to do some work. I also sent in my application for the Science and Technology explorations floor. Alana and I then walked to Ruth's for a dinner date. It's weird not living with Alana any more and it was nice to have a chance to catch up with her. Ruth's of course took around 2 hours but we had a very enjoyable meal. However, we started talking about housing now and for next year and I got really sad because I hate having new roommates because each time it's so stressful having to get accustomed to different people's mannerisms and styles of living. Since I applied to be an RA and won't find out for another month I couldn't commit to anyone to be their roommate so I was going to have to go random. I was getting exhausted trying to imagine having 3 new roommates and dealing with the process all over again. It was extremely overwhelming. But I had to study for my Italian quiz so Leora and I studied for a bit. Afterward, I started talking to Maya and since the people she was planning on living with wanted Palladium she said she'd apply to Coral explorations with me if we found a third person. So she asked Valerie if she would want to apply with us and we all applied for the Museum for the Minds floor together. Even though there is no guarantee that we'll all get housing together just knowing there is a chance I'll live with people I know is extremely reassuring. :)
until next time!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Villa Medici at Castello
I then took the bus back to La Pietra and had lunch with Zandi, Ellie and Emily. I then had Italian and then walked back to my apt. I spent a while uploading pictures from the villa visits and working on my villas paper. Super excited for it but its a little overwhelming figuring out what to do. I then walked with Shayna and Jenn for the super awesome chabad meal. Valerie (we met her a few shabboses ago at Chabad lunch) was also there so it was nice seeing her. I then went to Standa with Alana and on the way I saw a guy with a top hat and a stick. It was amazing. I then tried chasing him down the block to take a picture of him but it was too dark and he was walking really really fast so I didn't get a good picture of him :(. But standa was of course super fun!! It's always nice getting food.
until next time!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
until next time!
until next time!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Villa Field Trip
until next time!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Fiorentina vs AJAX Soccer Game!
After the museum visit I went back to my place for lunch and then was running late so took the bus to school. On the bus I ran into Leora, Ilana and Alana. Since it was a Thursday and half the class is taking Italian pass/fail there were hardly any people there. After class I headed home and in the piazza in front of our house I could hear a loud crowd of roudy men. As I got closer I could see that everyone was really drunk (even though it was only 3:30pm) and were all dressed up in soccer paraphernalia. It started to get me really excited for the soccer game. I then went back to my apartment relaxed and had dinner before heading downstairs to meet Alana, Leora and Laura for the soccer game.
We walked to San Marco to meet the rest of the NYU group and catch a bus to the game. It was so intense. They have separate buses for the AJAX (Amsterdam) and Fiorentina fans. A few AJAX fans buses passed us and the fans were going crazy. They were jumping up and down and making the bus rock back and forth, chanting the team songs really loudly and one bus even showered us with beer. I was getting a little scared that if the pre-game was like this - the real game would be crazy intense. But thankfully once we got there I saw that the Ajax fans were separate by like a 40 foot metal fence and a plastic casing. I can just imagine what had to happen at a different game in order to require such crazy separation between the fans. Yvette, a girl from NYU had painted her face with the Fiorentina logo and I asked her to also paint one on mine. I have never really seen a soccer game before but it was really exciting.
until next time!
Italian students, Community service and once again dinner at Ruth's
until next time!
Dinner at Chabad
until next time!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Neighborhood Tour
until next time!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
toveling in arno
until next time!
good-bye to the fam and of course dinner at Ruth's
until next time!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Flowers for the room
until next time!
Family visits!!
until next time!
Friday, February 6, 2009
On the other side of the river!!!
until next time!
Off to Paris
"...We hope that you’re having a good semester with us thus far. Unfortunately, we have some urgent news about your living situation. We were notified last Friday that the managing agent of your residence is involved in a serious legal dispute with the owner of the building. Through our attorneys, we immediately attempted to intervene with the owner to establish a contract directly with him for the remainder of the semester. We were led to believe that the owner would agree to work with us, but to our surprise and dismay, he has not responded. Because of the uncertainty of the situation, which is entirely out of our control, we think it advisable to move you to another residence. We have arranged for other housing for you and will do everything we can to ensure that this unforeseen move will present as little inconvenience to you as possible. We intend to complete this move on Sunday, February 8, 2009...."
until next time!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wed - Ruth's of course
interesting but the professor doesn't really know english so well so he repeats himself like 3 times before moving on and teaches straight out of the textbook so the class sort of drones on. Afterward I had my community service meeting to try and figure out what I want to do for community service. My two options basically are working at the Jewish Community Center 4 hours a week or working as a tour guide in a church two hours a week. Working at the Jewish Center would be nice but its a huge time committment and I'd basically be teaching hebrew school for free. So I think I'm going to opt to do the church but I still haven't decided yet. I then went to the gym for an hour which was fun but again not as fun as the gym at Palladium. Afterward I went back to the apartment and ran a few errands. I then went to go buy Dani an apron as a surprise gift but I had no more money and only had 10 minutes until the booth closed so I ran to the nearest ATM but it wouldnt let me take out money so then I ran to a few others and then finally I was able to take out money and made it back in time just in time to get the apron.
That night we of course went to Ruth's because it's Wednesday night. It was a lot of fun. I went with Laura , Mara Bernstein, Alana Weber, Leora Petashnick and Ilana Greenblum. Since dinner always takes so long I decided to bring Bananagrams but once we got there no one wanted to play so I just played by myself. I almost finished all the pieces but then the food arrived (faster than usual). Abe was also there with a bunch of his friends from Israel who were traveling.

After dinner Abe stopped by because his internet wasn't working and so we had a little party in the room. Joshy also finally got his webcam so we all video chatted with him and it was really nice to speak to him again.
until next time!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Rain, rain go away, come again another day!
Afterwards I went back to Ellie's apartment on Via Ricasoli to see if their apartment had any of my Art Market books. Unfortunately they didn't...
I then went back to my apartment and had a leisurely lunch before realizing I was going to be late and rushing to campus. I made it to class in only 30 minutes which is really impressive :).
After class I spent sometime and caught up on what I did last week (yes I know I'm cheating by not writing on the actual days but it's nice to have a record of my trip...). I then went to Villa U'Livi t request a new museum card (still can't believe i lost it!) and then walked home in the pouring rain!! I was drenched. I had an umbrella and a coat but my Uggs were soaked through and my coat (which I discovered last week wasn't waterproof leaked and my sleeves were all wet). But once I got home I changed into dry clothing and felt so nice. Once back at the apartment, I did a load of laundry and uploaded some pictures before heading off to the Odeon Cinema with Nirali to see Revolutionary Road. Leora and Ilana joined us but Nirali and I had a date so we really only walked with Leora and Ilana. The OSL subsidized the tickets and they told us to arrive at the theater by 7:45. But once we got there we found out that the movie didn't start until 8:20 which was sort of annoying but Nirali and I had a nice time. The theater was gorgeous. They had an upstairs balcony and Nirali and I decided to sit up there. Unfortunately because we were so high up and heat rises it was sooo hot up there!!! But we decided to stay up there anyways. The movie was so intense. I started to tear up a few times but never actually cried (but I brought a thing of tissues just in case!). During the movie there was one scene where Kate Winslet realized how trapped she was feeling and then a screen door closed and the bars on the door made it seem as if she were in a jail. I love when I notice little things like that and I hope that somewhere Dr. Jucovy is proud of me :). I'm still not really sure what I think of the movie, I still need to digest it a little. Even if the movie was emotionally distressing, I still had a really nice time with Nirali.
until next time!
Monday, February 2, 2009
At 6pm I went with Laura S, Alana and Leora to meet Shulamith, the Rabbi's wife, and Linda, his daughter. Shulamith showed us which items were kosher. Many of the items we already knew about but she was able to tell us which milk was skim, and also showed us kosher bread, yogurts, ricotta cheese, and chips. There were also a few things we weren't sure about but bought anyway and thankfully everything we bought was kosher :). (And don't worry Mollie the rice cakes are okay).
Later in the night we got a surprise visit from Abe because his internet was down. I was able to skype with Lara, Abe's mom and Tort for a bit. Which was super exciting because all three had come up several times over the weekend.
Anyways, it is way past my bedtime...
until next time!
I finally bought my tickets home for Pesach. I was debating whether or not to go home for 3 shabbatot or two, but in the end I decided to leave Tue and come back Sunday so that I could have an extra shabbat to travel in Italy/Europe. So hopefully I'll plan something super awesome for that weekend.
At around 8:30 a bunch of people left to go to the Vintage Fair but I was too exhausted to go and didn't really think I would buy anything. I was scared I would regret not going and feel like I missed out on something but when Alana got back she said that she didn't really enjoy it and that most of the items were way too expensive (200 euro for a used bag).
I then packed my bag for Rome and went to bed.
until next time!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Because it's Wednesday that means RUTH'S!!! We all had to study for an Italian quiz and decided to bring our notes to Ruth's because dinner always takes so long anyways. We got there at 7:15 because we got emails all day from Hannah Urkowitz telling us about the 7-10:30 Ruth's student special. But of course they weren't opening until 7:30 so we just sort of hung out for 15 minutes. A little while into our meal a girl walks in and starts talking to us like we know her. It turns out she was Hannah. Crazy! So we spoke to her for a bit and she shared her lifes story with us and gave us some tips on Florence. Then we asked Simcha about the Rabbi's wife and it turns out she was sitting at the table over! So he introduced her to us and I asked her if she would be willing to meet with us and show us how to buy kosher food in the supermarket. Then I asked Simcha about toveling and he's like I'm going tomorrow. I can tovel your dishes if you want! So I went back to the apartment to get our dishes to give to Simcha. I then went to Borgo Pinti to see if they have any of my books. I found one of my books for the Art Market (so its a good thing I waited to buy it) and I found the course packet for Florentine Villas. It's so nice that students leave their books for future students to use.
Once I got back to the apartment I found out that one of the girls in our apartment actually went to the Arno to tovel the dishes she bought with another girl. Honestly, I'm not so surprised because they never really seemed to care about anyone else in the apartment or try to include us at all but I was still really disappointed that she didn't ask me to join her or offer to come with me anytime I asked people if they wanted to come with me to tovel dishes. I had even offered to tovel the dishes for them if they wanted. But whatever, if they want to stick to themselves then there is nothing we can do about it.
until next time!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
La Pietra
I got home at around 3pm and really wanted to go tovel dishes but unfortunately no Jews were around to go with me. Leora and Alana showed up a little while later but they were too exhausted from classes to want to embark on this adventure (I mean after all we may end up falling into the Arno in our attempt to tovel the dishes).
until next time!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Ciao Bella!
Since I decided to drop Foreign Media I woke up late and went to the leather market with Nirali and Laura. We walked around for a while perusing the merchandise. I found a cute little booth with clothing that I really liked but none of it fit :'(. It was really sad. I kept seeing bags that I liked but they were all like 90 or 75 euro and the creepy guys kept saying but for you 60 euro. But I still didn't want to pay that much for a bag. Finally we found a booth and the bag was 55 euro. But because of my indecisive nature i wasn't sure if I should buy it or not. So he kept bringing down the price for me and finally I bought it for 40 euro. My first bag :). It's purple and super awesome. We then tried to find Laura a hat and sweatshirt but with no luck. Nirali bought a notebook for her Gardans and Landscapes class. Luckily I noticed that the book she was initially going to buy was an addressbook and NOT a notebook with blank pages like she thought. I then rushed to La Pietra for my Italian class. On the way back it started pouring and Alana and I took the bus back. Even so we still managed to get sopping wet because we had to wait outside in the rain for a while and then had to walk from the bus stop to our apartment. Unfortunately, I realized that my coat and knapsack are not water proof :'(. Oh well... Once back at the apartment I started to make plans for my trip to Rome with Alana and Abe. So excited!!!
until next time!
Sun, Sun, Sun...
(Yes I was thinking of Yossi singing "Here Comes the Sun" when I named this post)
Today I woke up and it was beautiful outside. Did you know that the sky was blue? Because I hadn't seen it in so long that I'm pretty sure I started to forget what it looked like. But the sky was a gorgeous shade of blue and the sun was shining (a rarity in my time in Florence so far). A bunch of us woke up relatively early and left for the train station to catch the NYU bus to Lucca. It took us a while to find the actual bus stop but eventually we made it :). The bus ride was around an hour and when we got to Lucca the weather was even more gorgeous than in Florence. We broke up into groups and NYU had a tour guide waiting for each group. We were shown around Lucca and learned about the history of different buildings. I had a really enjoyable time. Afterwards we had free time and went shopping in an open-air market (Nirali and Mara bought notebooks) and then we went out to eat. We decided on a dairy restaurant and people ordered pasta and wine. I brought lunch from home and very stealthily ate my peanut butter sandwich which I hid under the table. After lunch we walked around a bit more and then found a gelatto place where most people bought ice cream. There was a piazza with a carousel which def rivaled the carousel at Piazza D'Azeglio. We then hung out on the benches until it was time to leave. Once on the buses I realized that we forgot to visit a super awesome tower with trees on top, but oh well... we can always come back. Then we got back to Piazza D'Azeglio and it was really nice because Abe joined us for dinner. During dinner Robert Aeder skyped us. First of all it was really nice to see Robert again after so long, but also it was really exciting because we started to try and figure out a third country where a bunch of us could meet Robert (he's in London for the semester). It was overall an amazing day!
until next time!