Friday, February 6, 2009

On the other side of the river!!!

I woke up at around 8:45, got dressed headed to the hotel to meet Eddie and Dani. I got there a little before them but once they arrived we dropped off our bags at the hotel and walked to Le Marais to get food for shabbos. I was really proud of myself that I was able to get us there without getting lost (although, i did sneak a few looks at the map). We first went to Korcarz - an amazing bakery where we bought tons of deserts and food for shabbos. My favorite cookie is monte cao. You should def try it if you're in France (they sell them all over France). We then went to the kosher market and bought meats, cheese, wine and other stuff for shabbos. I wanted to get Dani and Eddie a Mickey's burger but they closed right before we got there so instead I got them one of the famous falafels. They of course were delicious and they were so filling that none of us could finish our falafels. We then took the metro back to the hotel to drop off our bags and were happy to find out that my parents and Jack had arrived. We hung out for a bit and then all split up. Daddy went off to get some last minute things for shabbos, Eddie and Dani went to see the Eiffel Tour and Jack, Miriam, Mommy and I went for a walk. We walked to teh Louvre and then through the Touilleries. It was a really nice walk. Somehow we got seperated so Jack and I headed back to the hotel on our own. We then all got ready for shabbos and had a really delicious shabbos meal in the hotel room.
until next time!

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