Monday, March 2, 2009

Finally Finished

For some reason I've been waking up at around 8am every morning for the past few days... It's weird. I woke up and had a really nice relaxed davening before heading to mercato centrale to buy fruits and vegetables. I got back had a nice lunch before heading to school. I was feeling really lazy so I took the bus to school and got there around 40 minutes before my class. So I decided to work a little on my Villas paper before class. After class I continued to work on my never ending Villas paper and was ready to print it out but of course I had trouble with the printer. So I asked one of the RHMs for help and he couldn't figure it out so he let me print my paper from his computer. We then got to talking for a while so I spent around 45 minutes printing out my paper... But yay I'm done!!! My min 10 page paper is now 17 and I'm finally done!!! But of course I then had to go to the library and do research on a different research paper. But I got distracted because Yonati was finally done with finals and had time to skype for a bit. So she talked while I typed back for a while but then that got too annoying so I went to a classroom for like 30 min and we chatted. I then went back to the library and tried to do some research but was very unsuccessful. By then it was around 6:30 and getting really dark so I decided to head back and take the bus. On the walk from San Marco I decided to stop in Uno and see if they can fix my macbook. Fortunately since I have apple care anything they did would be free but unfortunately they would have to ship it to Milan and it would take atleast 1 month. So looks like my comp is gonna be broken for a while :'(
Got back to the apt and made some steamed veges and pasta for dinner before studying for my marketing exam on Wednesday...
fun fun!
until next time!

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