Wednesday, January 28, 2009

La Pietra

Today I had my Florentine Villas class and we learned about Villa La Pietra (the main villa on NYU's Florence campus that the entire campus is named after). We had a tour of the inside of the villa and then our teacher gave us a tour of the gardens. First of all I think you all need to just appreciate what my teacher was wearing. It was amazing!! As Nirali put it "it looks like a cat crawled on top of her and exploded". But seriously I am obsessed with her outfits. They are always so much fun! I really enjoyed exploring the villa and I'm looking forward to the other site visits. As I've mentioned previously the classes are 2 hrs and 45 min and I have to get up at around 7:30 in order to make it to class on time. But it's really nice because our walks around the villas are very refreshing and help us stay awake. It was especially nice because it happened to be a gorgeous day. It was perfect for exploring the gardens. It was really cool because on the side of the villa there is a lemon and orange garden. But in the winter they move all the trees into a "lemon house". It sounds really weird - what does that mean that they move the trees into the "lemon house". Most of the plants are in pots and they actually move all the pots into the house in order to make sure that they don't die. It was extremely cool walking into the lemon house and seeing all the lemon trees.
I got home at around 3pm and really wanted to go tovel dishes but unfortunately no Jews were around to go with me. Leora and Alana showed up a little while later but they were too exhausted from classes to want to embark on this adventure (I mean after all we may end up falling into the Arno in our attempt to tovel the dishes).
until next time!

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