Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rain, rain go away, come again another day!

Woke up this morning only to find that the weather once again predicted rain...

I then met Michelle and Michael and walked to Museo Firenze Com'era for my Florentine Villas class. The museum was interesting because it showed the history of the landscape of Florence. There was a painting of Florence from the 1400s and as a joke I told Ellie that I don't see the synagogue! Ellie and I then realized that we had no idea when the synagogue was built and kept trying to figure out when the synagogue was built by examining the different paintings and maps of Florence. It was exciting moving through the ages and searching for the synagogue. We slowly saw that part of Florence start to develop but unfortunately never got a chance to see a map with the synagogue. The museum ended after the center of Florence, which contained the Jewish Ghetto, was rebuilt. Only after the Jewish Ghetto was demolished was the synagogue built.
Afterwards I went back to Ellie's apartment on Via Ricasoli to see if their apartment had any of my Art Market books. Unfortunately they didn't...
I then went back to my apartment and had a leisurely lunch before realizing I was going to be late and rushing to campus. I made it to class in only 30 minutes which is really impressive :).
After class I spent sometime and caught up on what I did last week (yes I know I'm cheating by not writing on the actual days but it's nice to have a record of my trip...). I then went to Villa U'Livi t request a new museum card (still can't believe i lost it!) and then walked home in the pouring rain!! I was drenched. I had an umbrella and a coat but my Uggs were soaked through and my coat (which I discovered last week wasn't waterproof leaked and my sleeves were all wet). But once I got home I changed into dry clothing and felt so nice. Once back at the apartment, I did a load of laundry and uploaded some pictures before heading off to the Odeon Cinema with Nirali to see Revolutionary Road. Leora and Ilana joined us but Nirali and I had a date so we really only walked with Leora and Ilana. The OSL subsidized the tickets and they told us to arrive at the theater by 7:45. But once we got there we found out that the movie didn't start until 8:20 which was sort of annoying but Nirali and I had a nice time. The theater was gorgeous. They had an upstairs balcony and Nirali and I decided to sit up there. Unfortunately because we were so high up and heat rises it was sooo hot up there!!! But we decided to stay up there anyways. The movie was so intense. I started to tear up a few times but never actually cried (but I brought a thing of tissues just in case!). During the movie there was one scene where Kate Winslet realized how trapped she was feeling and then a screen door closed and the bars on the door made it seem as if she were in a jail. I love when I notice little things like that and I hope that somewhere Dr. Jucovy is proud of me :). I'm still not really sure what I think of the movie, I still need to digest it a little. Even if the movie was emotionally distressing, I still had a really nice time with Nirali.
until next time!

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