Sunday, February 22, 2009


Woke up late and did some work before heading to see the Carnivale parade with Ellie and Emily. At first we walked around and sat by the Arno thinking that we would see the parade. After waiting for a bit I decided to ask a guard when and where the parade was and it turns out that we were right after where the parade turns. So we walked further up the Arno and found the beginning point of the parade. It was really exciting seeing all the different costumes from the different countries. We also got showered with the confetti multiple times. We hung out and watched the entire parade. In the middle Zandi met up with us and we then walked around for a bit.
Emily left to go buy gifts for friends back home and Zandi and Ellie and I went to H&M to buy some clothing (yes I know we're in a foreign country and we're going to a store that's in America - but whatever). We hung out there for a bit then headed to the Acadamia to see the David. It was really cool. We kept moving around to different seats to get different views of the David. We then walked through the other rooms but Zandi and I agreed that we didn't really find anything meaninful or moving in the art because religiously it didnt have any significance to us and since there were so many busts and artwork of Jesus on the cross they lost any sense of uniqueness. I then went to Ricasoli and hung out for a bit. I finally saw Nirali and we bonded for a while. Afterwards I came back to my apt and made dinner. I then spoke to Aliyah Guttmann and Ashira Gailor for like an hour on skype. But Aliyah's microphone was broken so I basically had a 1 hour monologue. It was exciting. And i gave them a tour of the building and even showed them how our tiny elevator worked. I then did some work and headed to bed.
until next time!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oops, wrote the prev comment from my "work" address(teaneckshuls!!)...H&M is a swedish chain, so don't feel too bad abt shopping it in italy.

    luving yr blog-especially fun reading while i m stuck in the airport for 4+ hrs!! take care!

  3. Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple
