Thursday, February 12, 2009

toveling in arno

Yep, that's right. You guess it. I finally toveled dishes in the Arno. I woke up early this morning in order to finish a paper nd rush to class. I then spent the hour in between classes studying for my Italian quiz. I think I did okay but I know I made a few mistakes. I then went back to my apartment and skyped with a few people before heading out to tovel my dishes. On my way out I ran into Zandi who had just visited Laura s. I convinced him to tag along with me and we headed to the Arno. We walked along the side for a bit before finding a place to walk down to the Arno. Unfortunately, the gate leading down said private property on it. But I was not discouraged and decided to buzz anyways and see if they'd let me in. Zandi thought that it was pointless and there was no way we'd get down. BUT I buzzed and they opened the door. It was awesome and I was able to tovel my dishes :). On my way home I walked Zandi back part of the way and stopped at the kosher market to pick up food for shabbos. I then rushed back because Abe was meeting me for dinner. For some reason Abe got his cell phone number confused and had been giving out the wrong number so I couldn't reach him to tell him I was running a bit late. So he had to wait for me in the dark stairwell for around 10 minutes :(. For some reason no one in the building was picking up their cell phones so he had no where to go to wait for me. But I finally made it back and started to make him dinner. The OSL bought us new pots because we could no longer share the pots and pans we got together. So I started to boil water on the new pots and it started shaking like crazy! It was really scary but apparently it just has to do with how water boils and the fact that the pots are cheap and don't lie flat on the burner. I also had vegetables that I wanted to try and steam but instead of a steamer they bought us a frier... But we had a nice dinner... once again consisting of pasta. (Although after steaming in the frier for around an hour they were finally slightly steamed). I then saw that Tall Sam was on skype and we skyped with him for a bit before Abe had to leave. I then called back Tall Sam and.... BOUGHT MY TICKETS TO BERLIN! So excited to go visit him!!! I then packed for the weekend and went to bed.
until next time!

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