Had class as usual and then gave a tour of the duomo. My tours today were exceptionally fun because the people I gave tours to really seemed to enjoy them and were extremely friendly making the whole waiting in a freezing cathedral to give tours worth it. One German mother and daughter loved my tour so much that the daughter wanted to come to Florence after college and volunteer as a tour guide for a little bit :-P.
until next time!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Last day in Jerusalem
I woke up early this morning (7:40) because I had to be out of the upstairs apartment by 8. I then headed downstairs and hung out there for a while before heading out to meet Avital and head to Hebrew U together. But... once I got to town Abby wasn't answering her phone. And neither was Becky so I had no idea where anyone was or where I should meet them. So I just hung out in the Ben Yehuda area and did some shopping before heading back to the Comet's to drop everything off. I then met up with Adina Goldberger which was really nice. She never leaves Migdal Oz but her grandmother has been in for a while so they've been doing things together. It was nice seeing Adina and catching up with her. People from before eventually called me back, some overslept like crazy and others didnt realize they had so much class today. So it's sad I won't be able to see some of them but atleast I was able to see them before. Finally, Becky was able to make it into Jerusalem so I went and met her at the place she was staying - The Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center. It was a gorgeous building. We then went to a cute pasta place on Ben Yehuda for dinner. It was nice to catch up with her after not seeing her for so long. We then stopped off at the hostel again before heading to the Comet's. We took a few pictures to show to all the relatives and I then headed to the bus to go to Efrat.
I wasn't going to the make it to the bus at the tachana so I headed to malcha to catch the bus from there. But I got there like 10 minutes before hte bus was supposed to leave from the tachana hamerkazi so i decided to just take the bus to Gilo and tremp. There was a lot of traffic going into the gush but once we got past the check point we got there really quickly. Once I got there Hadar thought she had to leave to go to her brother's because her new born nephew hadn't slept in 24 hours and her brother and sister-in-law needed help. I was going to go to Migdal Oz and hang out with people there but I was really sad that I wouldn't get to hang out with Hadar. But in the end her mom went so we were able to hang out :) yaya!! Hadar was so cute and she kept feeding me and even made me an ice cream surprise.
We did end up going to Migdal Oz for a bit and visited Liyana. I really love Hadar's house and once again had a nice time hanging out with her and her family.
until next time!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Shushan Purim
Woke up early so I could get to Jerusalem and meet up with Adi in the tachana hamerkazi before he had to head back to his base. When I got to the bus stop Becky was still there (she had left at 8 when I was waking up). She said all the buses had passed her because they were full so they didnt stop. So we walked to a bus stop 10 minutes away that had otehr buses to Jerusalem. But on the walk we saw the bus that I was planning on making pass and it wasn't so full so we could have gotten on. We then caught a bus 20 minutes later. Adi called me around 25 minutes before I got to the tachana hamerkazi and told me he was already there but he couldn't wait for me because he had to continue on to his base. So it was sad that i couldn't see Adi one last time before I left. I then headed to the Comet's to drop off my napsack. I hung out wit Michele for a bit before heading to Rimone's seudah. It was so cute seeing Rimone host a seudah. I don't think i've seen her since she got married. She and Josh were really cute together. One of their guests had left and came back an hour later completely wasted. It was sad to see him go from being so happy to extremely sick. We then looked at Rimone and Josh's wedding pictures (apparently it was the first time they looked through all of them at once). I then walked around the shuk for a bit before heading to the kotel to daven mincha. On the way I walked down Ben Yehuda and saw a really cute girl dressed as a butterfly dance to one of the street performers playing music. A few tourists started to take pictures of her. It was crazy how many costumes I saw and how many drunk people there were. I even saw like 12 year olds who could barely walk straight because they were so drunk. The kotel wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be and I was able to even find a seat to sit down and write a note to stick in the kotel. I also wrote a few notes for people who had asked me to write notes for them. I then was really tired and decided to take a bus back to Rimone's. It prob took 3 times as long because of all the traffic and the route it took but I was able to sit down so that was fine. I hung out at Rimone's for a bit and eventually left with Abby/ Avital. We went to Masaryk and had a really nice dinner. We also got an amazing chocolate volcano cake for desert.
We weren't so hungy after the meal but we waited like 15 minutes after we finished eating to get the cake because it was too good to pass up on. I also ran next door before we got desert to get a gift for the Comet's. Reva had told me about a really nice tea that i could give to the Comet's for dessert but I wasn't able to find it anywhere. So I finally gave up and was going to get a bottle of wine but then found the tea in the wine shop so that was a nice surprise. After dinner I went back to Avital's place and we hung out there for a while. Her place was really nice. The Comet's then called me to ask me to come back because Yoni had a phone interview and I didn't have a key. So I raced back to the Comet's. I was proud of myself that i was able to find my way from Avital's to the Comet's. I got lost for one block but only for like half a block and then turned back and found my way. I slept in the office upstairs because originally Becky was supposed to join me and we were supposed to have dinner and then both sleep at the Comet's but she called me early today to let me know that she wasn't going to make it in time. So I had the office upstairs and a king size bed all to myself :).
until next time!
until next time!
I woke up at around 8 for Megillah reading and Reva and I made it to shul like 5 minutes before minyan even started. It was nice to once again go to minyan in the morning... After megillah reading we went to Aroma for breakfast. Everyone then headed to their seudah's and I passed out while Reva did last minute prep for the seudah and distributed her mishloach manot.

Her mishloach manot was in theme with her costume (thanks to my brilliant idea :-P) and she found the milk pitchers that they use in Israel and inside she had a bunch of cow related items - a milky, the chocolate bars with cows on it and a few other items that I can't remember. I then woke up and headed over to Sara's and Danielle's for the seudah. It was a really nice seudah and the food was delicious. It was buffet style and we all just hung out for a few hours and had a really nice time.
People kept coming and going and as the day got later people became more and more drunk. One guy left completely sober and came back ridiculously drunk. Someone was giving a dvar torah and he started cracking up and falling on the floor. It was quite amusing. After a while most people left except for me, Reva, Avigayil, Sara, Matan, Ariel, and Chaim. Matan and Ariel were a tad drunk and it was really funny watching them. Ariel and Chaim were playing and singing guitar. After a while we had a sort of karaoke thing going and the girls would sing along to lyrics that we googled and Ariel would play while Matan would drunkenly try and play the guitar (he doesn't know how to). Then Ariel fell asleep and we took a few pictures with him. Then we all headed back to Reva's apartment and watched Definitely, Maybe. It was really cute there were around 10 girls crowded around my tiny laptop screen watching the movie. Reva also made us amazing kettlecorn popcorn that she popped by herself. She rocks!!!
until next time!
until next time!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ta'anit Esther
Woke up at around 11:30 after going to bed at 2 and then sort of just hung out in the apartment for a bit. I then finished making my costume and went shopping with Reva for stuff for the breakfast and other random stuff. We then came back to the apartment and baked hamentashen with Atara for a bit before heading to Danielle Grushko's to start decorating the apartment for the seudah tomorrow.

When we got back we quickly made a salad before Reva ran out to practice for megillah reading. All day I was debating whether or not to go to Migdal Oz or stay here for megillah reading and finally at like 4 I decided I wanted to go to Migdal Oz but the one ride i could have had was full and I wouldn't have made it in time otherwise. Really annoying but whatever, nothing I could do about it... I then finished up my costume and we waited for Sarena before heading to the place where the women's megillah reading was going to take place. It was really cute. Reva read two prakim and then there was a nice break fast. We then headed back to Reva's apartment for a little bit.
I changed out of my bananagrams costume because the bottle started to get really annoying. We then headed to the amphitheatre. Everyone was super excited about this amphitheatre. It was on the Bar Ilan campus like a 15 minute walk from the gate. I still can't get over how big the campus is. Anyways, we just hung out there for a bit and drank girls drinks. We didn't have a bottle opener so Reva and Shoshana opened up the bottles by banging them against the side of the steps. It was really funny. Also, because Reva rarely drinks she had no idea what chasers were so she left the juice in the apartment so we just had spritzers and vodka. But even so noone really got drunk and we just sat around singing and talking. Adi also came for like 2 hours. It was really nice to see him again after so long. After I walked him back to his car I went back to Reva's apartment and Yaakov was there with Sarena but when I got to the apartment I had to run to the bathroom and missed his name so I just thought he was another random guy from the building. But then when i got out and sat down with them I was like Sarena I thought Yaakov was here, and they all looked at me strangely and said this is Yaakov... then we all started laughing at me and played bananagrams until heading to bed.
until next time!
until next time!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Migdal Oz
Woke up a few times but only got out of bed at 11:30... which was amazing. Hadar had left for work at 9am so I hung out downstairs with her sister for a little bit before heading to the makolet where I bought minutes for my Israel phone. It was so weird being back in Efrat and seeing all the places that I used to visit everyday. I then walked to Migdal Oz and took a tremp up the hill. It was so sad on my walk I passed one of the gates and one of the chayalim asked me if there was a makolet nearby and I told him there was one in Efrat and he got excited and asked how far away so i said like a 10 minute walk. He then looked really really sad so I told him he should ask any girls he sees walking to Efrat if they could buy him something. Then once I got to Migdal Oz I called my friends and they gave me the code to get into the campus. My friends that were still learning there weren't in that day because they were working but there were still a few people that I recognized. I davened in Miri's makom and then headed down for lunch. I saw a bunch of people I knew at lunch including Talya Harczstark and Nichama Twersky. It was so weird being back in Migdal Oz and seeing all the little changes since I had been there. I then started walking to Efrat and caught a tremp to Kenyon Malka. I wasn't meeting Miri for a while so I walked around the mall for a bit but didn't really find anything I liked. I then waited for a bus to take me to merkaz hair. While I was waiting for a bus, a guy got out of his car and started yelling at the bus driver. Apparently the bus driver had nearly run him over and the other driver was going crazy. He even started to get really violent and break things in his arms reach. But the bus driver stayed calm and eventually the other driver got back in his car and drove off. There was no real damage done everything was able to snap back into place but it was still really scary. I decided not to get on that bus and just waited for a diff one. I made it to Cup of Joe and waited a few minutes for Miri to show up. It was nice catching up with her and I was proud of myself that I was able to speak with her in hebrew. After Miri left I tried to get in touch with Kayla Zecher but she wasn't answering her phone so I decided to just head to the shuk and pick up mishloach manot. I ran into Sarah Zweig and we walked around the shuk together. I then walked to the tachana ha'merkazi and bought myself burgers bar for pre fast dinner. Its so weird how much the tachana ha'merkazi has changed since my year in Israel. The one change that I can't stand is how the bathrooms are no longer free. There used to be a bathroom in the foodcourt and one on the sublevel that were free but now you have to pay for all of them. It's only 1 shekel but it still just bothers me because I can't go a billion times before I have to take a long bus ride. I ran into someone I knew on the busride home and there were no seats together by the time we got on the bus but a guy was really nice and gave up his seat and sat next to a charedi guy so we could sit next to each other. I then got back to Reva's apartment and all of her roommates including Shoshana Cohen were there so we hung out for a while before heading to bed. Also, Atara Berkowitz had made really good vegetable soup that we all had.
until next time!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Shabbat at Bar Ilan
Sarena, Reva and I took a few preshabbos pictures before heading to shul. It was so nice going to shul on Friday night and being able to participate in the davening and sing along. I also loved seeing all the guys with kippahs. I couldn't stop telling Reva how happy I was to be in Israel and how nice it was to see so many Jews and so much kosher food. She pointed out that it was as if I was coming from Poland to Israel and in a way she's right. I hate how Florence doesn't really have any Jewish life and I didn't realize just how much I missed it until I got to Israel and was surrounded by Jews. I ran into a few people I knew at shul including a girl from Ramaz and Raquella Seigel. Dinner was really cute. A bunch of us went to the dorms and ate in the kitchen. The food was delicious. Then we went back to Reva's apartment and played bananagrams before heading to bed.
In the morning we went to shul and heard parshat Zachor. It was so interesting hearing different guys read it in the different nusachs. We then went back to Reva's for lunch and one of her downstairs neighbors also joined us. We once again played bananagrams and we also played Kent. Reva and I of course were on the same team and we were awesome! go cousins!!! Meital also stopped by for a little bit but then had to leave to study for her orgo exam.
On Motzash Reva and I went to a L'Chaim for Sarit Silk and Meir Silverman in Alon Shvut (Sarena took the bus with us to Jerusalem). Right as we got off the bus at Tzomet HaGush I got a phone call from Yedidyah Silverman asking me where I was. I told him I just got to Tzomet HaGush and he asked if I wanted him to pick me up so I said sure that would be great. Once at the sheva brachot I saw people I hadn't seen in a while. It was really great catching up with people. Then after the sheva brachot Yedidyah once again offered to drive me, this time to Hadar's in Efrat. Yedidyah is ridiculously nice. He left his bro's L'chaim to pick me up and then drop me off. It was so exciting seeing Hadar again. I really missed her. It's always nice going to her house because she's such an amazing hostess and her family is always so friendly. It was also nice because we spent like 3 hours talking... in Hebrew! I didn't know I was capable of it but it was so nice being able to talk in hebrew for so long and not really stumble with the language.
until next time!
Friday, March 6, 2009
off to Israel!
Woke up at 4am and took a cab to the airport. I got to the airport before it opened so I had to wait inside the terminal for around 15 minutes before checking in. One of the people who worked in the airport went around to all the women who worked there and gave them a bouquet of flowers and I also got one.

I then hung out in the airport for an hour and a half before taking the shuttle to the plane. The plane ride wasn't so bad and I fell asleep for some of it. I had a connecting flight in Vienna so I had an hour and half before boarding the next plane. I would have loved to have a longer layover and travel Vienna but whatever... I got internet access in the airport and downloaded a tv show to watch on the plane there. The plane took off 1/2 hr late so I was a little scared about shabbos but it ended up working out fine and we landed on time. I saw next to a guy who was probably over 6"6'. He barely fit in the seat and he couldn't sit straight but had to sit sideways so his knees would fit. I have no idea how he was able to sit like that for 3 hours. But he was really nice and we spoke for most of the flight. I then landed at the airport and took a cab to Bar Ilan. When I stepped out of the airport the weather was beautiful. I was wearing short sleeves and was still really hot. It was so exciting to be in Israel again. I even had so much fun talking to my cab driver. We got to talking and he asked me if I was dati, and I said yes. But then he looked me up and down in the rearview mirror and gave me a weird look because I was wearing sweatpants and short sleeves and then he said ehhh... to each their own (or whatever the equivalent is in hebrew). He was nice. I then arrived at Reva's and showered and got ready for shabbat. I still can't believe I'm in Israel...
until next time!

I then hung out in the airport for an hour and a half before taking the shuttle to the plane. The plane ride wasn't so bad and I fell asleep for some of it. I had a connecting flight in Vienna so I had an hour and half before boarding the next plane. I would have loved to have a longer layover and travel Vienna but whatever... I got internet access in the airport and downloaded a tv show to watch on the plane there. The plane took off 1/2 hr late so I was a little scared about shabbos but it ended up working out fine and we landed on time. I saw next to a guy who was probably over 6"6'. He barely fit in the seat and he couldn't sit straight but had to sit sideways so his knees would fit. I have no idea how he was able to sit like that for 3 hours. But he was really nice and we spoke for most of the flight. I then landed at the airport and took a cab to Bar Ilan. When I stepped out of the airport the weather was beautiful. I was wearing short sleeves and was still really hot. It was so exciting to be in Israel again. I even had so much fun talking to my cab driver. We got to talking and he asked me if I was dati, and I said yes. But then he looked me up and down in the rearview mirror and gave me a weird look because I was wearing sweatpants and short sleeves and then he said ehhh... to each their own (or whatever the equivalent is in hebrew). He was nice. I then arrived at Reva's and showered and got ready for shabbat. I still can't believe I'm in Israel...
until next time!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Marketing Exam
Just took my marketing midterm and didn't not do as well as I had wanted to. It was a multiple choice test with 30 questions so each question was worth over 3 points. Not only that but there were 7 different versions of the test floating around so not everyone had the same questions. Everyone in the class is really upset because the questions were ridiculously detailed and totally arbitrary. It was also annoying because there were three questions that I wasnt sure about so I spoke to the professor during the test and then while i was up there I circled an answer and he was like no no no and shook his head so then i erased my answer and circled a different one and he shrugged. Then when we went over the test after everyone was done I saw that the answers that I initially circled were right. So that's like 9 points worth of questions that i was goign to get right but got wrong because he said no no no. It's ridiculous... But whatever. Done with marketing... I then went upstairs to the library to work on my art market paper and I lost my cell phone in the process :'(. I tried calling it from skype and everything but I think someone stole it because I kept getting a weird WIND message and then it started saying that the number does not exit. So that put a huge damper on my already really sad day. I worked on my paper until around 6 and then went to go print it. I then went to the bus stop because it was already dark and didnt want to walk home in teh dark. I had spoken to people before about going to Ruth's for dinner but in the end noone wanted to go because they all needed to study. So I decided to go by myself and have a nice relaxing dinner alone and spend like 2 hrs at Ruth's have a nice meal and study. I got to Ruth's and asked to be seated at a small table but she decided to place me at a huge six person table. Then around 5 minutes later 2 people that I'm not friends with entered the restaurant and the woman decided to place them at the end of my table. So already it was slightly awkward. But then a few minutes after that Abe came in. I figured Abe isn't hte type to go to dinner by himself so of course he was meeting someone. It turns out he was meeting two other people I'm not friends with. Once the other two people arrived the woman decided to place the three of them at my table. It was a super awkward dinner. Especially because I ordered before they all got there so I got my food before everyone else. But I just finished my food and left... Then I got back to the room and was still pretty upset about the exam that morning but I started talking to Emily and even though she didnt get so many wrong it was still nice talking to her about the exam. We spoke for like an hour and by the time i got around to studying I was way too exhausted and just decided to head to bed without really studying at all... oh well hopefully i'll have time to study tomorrow.
until next time!
until next time!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Finally Finished
For some reason I've been waking up at around 8am every morning for the past few days... It's weird. I woke up and had a really nice relaxed davening before heading to mercato centrale to buy fruits and vegetables. I got back had a nice lunch before heading to school. I was feeling really lazy so I took the bus to school and got there around 40 minutes before my class. So I decided to work a little on my Villas paper before class. After class I continued to work on my never ending Villas paper and was ready to print it out but of course I had trouble with the printer. So I asked one of the RHMs for help and he couldn't figure it out so he let me print my paper from his computer. We then got to talking for a while so I spent around 45 minutes printing out my paper... But yay I'm done!!! My min 10 page paper is now 17 and I'm finally done!!! But of course I then had to go to the library and do research on a different research paper. But I got distracted because Yonati was finally done with finals and had time to skype for a bit. So she talked while I typed back for a while but then that got too annoying so I went to a classroom for like 30 min and we chatted. I then went back to the library and tried to do some research but was very unsuccessful. By then it was around 6:30 and getting really dark so I decided to head back and take the bus. On the walk from San Marco I decided to stop in Uno and see if they can fix my macbook. Fortunately since I have apple care anything they did would be free but unfortunately they would have to ship it to Milan and it would take atleast 1 month. So looks like my comp is gonna be broken for a while :'(
Got back to the apt and made some steamed veges and pasta for dinner before studying for my marketing exam on Wednesday...
fun fun!
until next time!
Got back to the apt and made some steamed veges and pasta for dinner before studying for my marketing exam on Wednesday...
fun fun!
until next time!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
After spending all day studying in the room, the room got really really stuffy. I asked a few people in the building if they wanted to go for a 2 minute walk with me but surprise surprise they all had to study :'(. But thankfully Leora also hadn't left he building at all so she went with me for a walk. It had rained all day so the weather was really nice outside and it was great to finally get some fresh air. Leora and I just walked around the piazza for a few minutes but it was exactly what I needed.
Okay now back to studying...
until next time!
Okay now back to studying...
until next time!
Unfortunately, I didn't end up going to Siena or Pisa today because everyone needed to study so I had no one to go with. I was thinking of going to Siena by myself but it was supposed to rain all day so I decided not to. Unfortunately, I not only did not go to Siena or Pisa but I also did not leave the building. I know it's really sad. I spent the majority of the day working on papers and studying. Fun!!! Although, I did have a nice distraction when I played a really fun guessing game with Rami. Ahh... I miss the good ole' days... Anyway, off to go study some more...
until next time!
until next time!
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