Monday, January 26, 2009

Sun, Sun, Sun...

(Yes I was thinking of Yossi singing "Here Comes the Sun" when I named this post)
Today I woke up and it was beautiful outside. Did you know that the sky was blue? Because I hadn't seen it in so long that I'm pretty sure I started to forget what it looked like. But the sky was a gorgeous shade of blue and the sun was shining (a rarity in my time in Florence so far). A bunch of us woke up relatively early and left for the train station to catch the NYU bus to Lucca. It took us a while to find the actual bus stop but eventually we made it :). The bus ride was around an hour and when we got to Lucca the weather was even more gorgeous than in Florence. We broke up into groups and NYU had a tour guide waiting for each group. We were shown around Lucca and learned about the history of different buildings. I had a really enjoyable time. Afterwards we had free time and went shopping in an open-air market (Nirali and Mara bought notebooks) and then we went out to eat. We decided on a dairy restaurant and people ordered pasta and wine. I brought lunch from home and very stealthily ate my peanut butter sandwich which I hid under the table. After lunch we walked around a bit more and then found a gelatto place where most people bought ice cream. There was a piazza with a carousel which def rivaled the carousel at Piazza D'Azeglio. We then hung out on the benches until it was time to leave. Once on the buses I realized that we forgot to visit a super awesome tower with trees on top, but oh well... we can always come back. Then we got back to Piazza D'Azeglio and it was really nice because Abe joined us for dinner. During dinner Robert Aeder skyped us. First of all it was really nice to see Robert again after so long, but also it was really exciting because we started to try and figure out a third country where a bunch of us could meet Robert (he's in London for the semester). It was overall an amazing day!
until next time!

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