Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wed - Ruth's of course

Had intro to marketing this morning and it was extremely boring. The material is
interesting but the professor doesn't really know english so well so he repeats himself like 3 times before moving on and teaches straight out of the textbook so the class sort of drones on. Afterward I had my community service meeting to try and figure out what I want to do for community service. My two options basically are working at the Jewish Community Center 4 hours a week or working as a tour guide in a church two hours a week. Working at the Jewish Center would be nice but its a huge time committment and I'd basically be teaching hebrew school for free. So I think I'm going to opt to do the church but I still haven't decided yet. I then went to the gym for an hour which was fun but again not as fun as the gym at Palladium. Afterward I went back to the apartment and ran a few errands. I then went to go buy Dani an apron as a surprise gift but I had no more money and only had 10 minutes until the booth closed so I ran to the nearest ATM but it wouldnt let me take out money so then I ran to a few others and then finally I was able to take out money and made it back in time just in time to get the apron.
That night we of course went to Ruth's because it's Wednesday night. It was a lot of fun. I went with Laura , Mara Bernstein, Alana Weber, Leora Petashnick and Ilana Greenblum. Since dinner always takes so long I decided to bring Bananagrams but once we got there no one wanted to play so I just played by myself. I almost finished all the pieces but then the food arrived (faster than usual). Abe was also there with a bunch of his friends from Israel who were traveling.

After dinner Abe stopped by because his internet wasn't working and so we had a little party in the room. Joshy also finally got his webcam so we all video chatted with him and it was really nice to speak to him again.
until next time!

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